Wednesday, February 2, 2022

italics are cheaper! (and sort of look greek)

compare roman capitals with manutius' italics

the main advantage of Manutius's italics is that the new character is economical. 

why? italics are a little tighter than the traditional roman. italics allow the printer to save space and money on the cost of a book.

however, in the spirit of Manutius, italics should imitate the Greek writing of the time, which was decorated with many ligatures and other frills. WHY? 

they were very appreciated in Venice. WHY?

Venetian is a romance language with familiar proximity to Greek and Albanian! roman italics was the character used in "Virgil," published in 1501 by Manutius.


GPS as mapping territory

we're still fascinated with maps, though they've gotten way smaller. our world is also smaller and faster. we use GPS technology.

don't forget, GPS is design. 


the diagram above is quite abstract, this is not what you see on your application. which is more like a MAP-TERRITORY RELATION.


the map–territory relation describes the relationship between an object (the actual site) and a representation of that object (on your GPS), 

your present GPS receiver shows:

*maps (including street maps, displayed in human readable format via text or in a graphical format),
*turn-by-turn navigation directions to a human in charge of a vehicle or vessel via text or speech, *directions fed directly to an autonomous vehicle such as a robotic probe,
*traffic congestion maps (depicting either historical or real time data) and
*suggested alternative directions,
*information on nearby amenities such as restaurants, fueling stations, and tourist attractions.

would you go back to traditional maps if need be?

I gave them up.