Friday, January 19, 2024

Your turn #1

Summerian eagle-headed protective spirit 865-860 BC (bass-relief)

Hi class. This is your first post for comment. Normally, posts are 150 words minimum (this one is shorter because we have a second assignment; make it 80 words minimum). 

Pick any topic, idea, image, etc, you found interesting from yesterday's class and just present it in written form. You can go from trivial to mind-boggling. In case you need perspective, students wrote this for the first post, Spring 2023. 

To leave a comment, click the link "comment" below. A comment box appears. Write your comment in the box & sign your name (no aliases), and click "post comment." Refresh, and the comment should appear. You have until next Thursday at 11am to finish this, at which time I close the option to comment. Naturally, I need time to read what you write before the class. 

Note: It has happened before that a student writes the comment in the box and clicks "post comment," and the comment gets lost. I recommend you write the comment separately in Word, then copy and paste it into the box. If it gets lost, you still have your original comment saved. 

Go ahead.