Wednesday, January 18, 2023

your turn #1

chichen itza, mexico, 1200 AD

Yesterday's class was fun. ðŸ˜€

To bring home this idea of the mark, it would be nice to think of a mark that has made a difference in your life. 

So, think of anything, man-made, that contains design and purpose in it, that means something to you (for whatever reason). It could go from trivial to mind-boggling. Search and try to connect the dots between the mark and your mind. 

150 words minimum. 

To leave a comment, click the word "comment" next to the pencil. A comment box appears. Write your comment in the box, sign with your name, and click "post comment." 

Better to write down your comment first, and cut and paste it into the box. If there's a glitch, your comment may disappear. 

Go ahead.