Thursday, April 11, 2024

Container Corporation of America's contribution to graphic design

 Container Corporation of America (CCA) was founded in 1926 and manufactured corrugated boxes. 1968 CCA merged with Montgomery Ward & Company, Inc., becoming MARCOR. Under the leadership of Walter Paepcke, CCA was a patron of graphic arts and design. The company amassed a collection of artworks that eventually found their way to the National Museum of American Art. In the late 1940s, CCA commissioned Herbert Bayer to create a World Geo-Graphic Atlas, which was distributed free to more than 150 colleges and universities. A review described it as the "most handsome and best atlas ever published in America."  (WIKIPEDIA)

A M Cassandre 1940s

Herbert Bayer, 1962

Herbert Matter, 1942

Paul Rand, 1960s
Herbert Bayer, 1949

Lazslo Moholy-Nagy, 1940s?

John Massey, late 1940s

Mathew Leibowitz, 1943

Ben Shahn, 1944

Herbert Matter, 1941

Paul Rand, late 1950s

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