Thursday, March 21, 2024

arts and craft manifesto (alfredo triff)

Diego Rivera's Detroit Industry, Detroit Institute of Arts, 1933

Painting, sculpture or performance art are no better than bookbinding, stucco ornament, hand hammering, dry set masonry, or violin making.-- Anonymous exploited craftsperson 

The do's and don'ts

Stop cannibalizing art. Be original. To be original, search deep into your sources. Go back to your early drawings. Bring back the buried doodling.  

Don't try to be popular. You can't please everyone. 

Craft is the slow food of art. Bring craft back into your art. 

Don't explain your design. Good design doesn't need explaining.

Don't be sloppy. Whatever art you do, learn it thoroughly. 

Don't be a Mammon-sucker! If you hire someone to do artwork for you, credit them for the work.

Don't do art by just looking at art magazines. Imitation is a form of limitation.

Seek effect and affect. Appropriation is cheap.

Avoid Photoshop. Bring back your drawing skills!

What's your truest mark? YOU.

Bring more free-hand design! Trace your own experience of a process resembling its past development!

Go back to calligraphy! Free your hand and mind from the tedium of the mouse. 

Don't cheat. Achieving style is a slow process. 

Don't delegate any art/skill that you can master yourself.

Art doesn't comment. Stop making art to make comments about comments.

Art-making is community. Build community!

The hell with the past. Build futurity!

Stop mimicking Postmodern mimicking.

Good art is not political. It is political because it's good.

Don't cheat. Learn your craft from scratch. 

No shortcuts! 

* Every line expressed here applies to this writer (he is YOU).

1 comment:

  1. Peter Behrens is widely known as one of the prominent design figures in Germany during the 20th century. In researching I found his work as an industrial designer to be important since he is seen as the first industrial designer. A few objects he took part in designing and developing were the tea kettle, plates, and glasses to name a few. His ethos regarding product design was to simplify a product and have variations of some aspects that make a product well executed. His designs were created from multiple standard parts that can be replaced such as handles, if these elements were changed with different models it would make it possible to create a variety of products at a lower cost. The first electric kettle appeared in the 1890s, but the potentially hazardous proximity of water and electricity and the lack of effective electricity distribution networks delayed its widespread acceptance. Behruns version of the kettle developed in 1909 used higher quality materials and introduced his concept of reusing other materials. The same concept was applied by changing the object's color. This philosophy is the basis of Peter Behrens's projects and inspires future designers who still use the same concept today. Behrens was a successful industrial designer in that he understood that to make a product "successful" it needs to meet the needs of society and be practical in the development process.
