Thursday, December 15, 2005


I’m in the middle of moving --while reading your papers. To top it off, my email at dada was cancelled (they promised to bring it back tonight). If you sent something, it got returned. When I have some time, I’ll go over a critique. It will address pros and cons of each piece at the exhibit. Au revoir.


  1. hello triff... I sent you my paper the other day ... just checking to see if you got it before your email was cancelled

  2. hi, triff, please let me know if you got my paper.

  3. Hi, Triff, I sent you my paper on Wednesday, please let me know if you got it

  4. No, Natalia, I didn't and the grade may reflect that. Please resend it to my email address. Don't worry about the grade. I can fix that at the beginning of the semester.

  5. hi triff, I resend it my paper please let me know if you got it.

  6. so when will we get our critiques?

  7. Ana, as of December 30, I still have no Internet and no phone. As you can expect all that is a little difficult right now. I'll send my critique-emails at the beginning of January. Happy New Year to you all!

  8. hey triff,

    happy new year to you too!

    so i was on the phone with one of my friends, who was a professor of mine. i was telling him how one of the visiting artists we had went to Temple University...ah, i forget the name of their art school...because my prof. also went there for school. so it turns out that he and gavin were roommates in school. how crazy is that?! oh and he also knows betty too, they went to dade together before they left to pennsylvania.

  9. also,

    i know that our class is no longer in session,
    but i thought this article might be of interest!

    ‘Artist’ attacks Duchamp's famous urinal

  10. That only shows the world is not so big after all.
    Thanks, Ana.

  11. Kids:
    I'm done with the moving, but still without internet or phone. When I can finally access my Outlook, I'll be getting back to you with my comments.
