Friday, October 28, 2005


Writing this update from a cyber cafe. I hope you're all safe after Wilma's sudden and tempestuous visit. On a different note, Liz Cerejido, a well-known Miami artist and FIU Museum curator was supposed to come this Thursday. It was the third cancellation of a female artist --to have a presentation in our class.


  1. Hey Triff, I guessing that you left space for comments on this one you want to know how everyone is doing. I'm safe but have no power in my apt. I wanted to ask you though about approval for our final projects because if mine is approved it's going to take a while between firings at the sculpture building and I need to get started if I’m going to do that and have it done in time for the show. Thanks.

  2. i had a little water come in my room but nothing as bad as katrina. luckily, we didn't get by the eye so that saved us a lot of trouble. being on curfew has been really annoying but i guess a week isn't that bad. has anyone heard anything about what they're going to do for finals (besides rumors)?

  3. Hey, this is Nydia. I a doing fine. I am doing fine; all I have is a broken bedroom window and a fallen fence. All is under repair. I got power back on Thursday night but have been unable to get my cable and internet back so I'm writing from the computer at my work. All is as well as can be.

  4. Hey, this is Nydia. I a doing fine. I am doing fine; all I have is a broken bedroom window and a fallen fence. All is under repair. I got power back on Thursday night but have been unable to get my cable and internet back so I'm writing from the computer at my work. All is as well as can be.

  5. why are all the female artists canceling? can't they reschedule?

    oh yeah, finally got my power back.

  6. As bizarre as it seems I have no clue. I just hope that Naomi Fisher doesn't cancel in November because of some natural event.

  7. the roof of my porch blew over my house and landed into my neighbors front yard, that was a cool thing to see

  8. Dominic Halley-RoarkeNovember 3, 2005 at 9:36 PM

    I was one of the lucky ones who got power back right away...but that curfew was very annoying and am glad that Halloween night came along. I'm sure the futilty of trying to enforce is then helped the decision to lift. Otherwise who knows how long the control freeks in the Miami-Dade gov't would have tried to keep it going in the "best interest of the public" or more truthfully, to make it look like they were managing the situation effectively.
    So much for the anti-gov't rant. On an artistic note, its interesting to me how much the quality of light has changed with all the trees out. At night it looks like a different planet almost, not merely for the shapes of the debris, but for the oddly altered color of the darkness.
