Thursday, April 24, 2014


redesigning parking

parking lots are urban wastelands of asphalt, but there is a solution: implementing solar panels in car parking lots to keep regular cars cool and in some cases to charge electronic vehicles. at about 4 meters high each 'tree' is topped-off with a canopy covered in solar cells.

redesigning coastal development

the impacts of climate change are likely to worsen many problems that coastal areas already face. shoreline erosion, coastal flooding, and water pollution affect man-made infrastructure and coastal ecosystems. confronting existing challenges is already a concern. addressing the additional stress of climate change may require new approaches to managing land, water, waste, and ecosystems.


designing food

food deserts: 2.3 million americans live more than one mile from a supermarket and do not have access to a vehicle. the report also notes that minorities and lower-income communities are often affected, as “urban core areas with limited food access are characterized by higher levels of racial segregation and greater income inequality.” it is not uncommon to go into these communities and the only food outlets found are fast food restaurants and convenience stores stocked with products that are highly processed and genetically modified – both characteristics that contribute to poor health and environmental degradation. food deserts have been a major contributor to obesity and other related health problems in these communities.

designing transhumanism

a list of 10 transhuman technologies happening or relatively soon in the horizon. 

nothing against technology. but transhumanism embraces technology unproblematically. designing transhumanism demands a careful balance between the liberating potential of technology with the moral consequences of an unchecked optimism.

other possible outcomes: the idea of reprogenetics to alter people's IQ. also, the idea of technologies for human enhancement.