Born in Tokyo, director, art director Nagi Noda has established herself as one of Japan's most prominent young designers. She rose to prominence as an art director designing print advertising, book designs and CD sleeves before turning to larger clients such as Nike and the famed Laforet Harajuku. Her commercials have won a host of prizes in Japan. Nagi has also shot several highly acclaimed and inventive films, including her short film "FITNESS VIDEO for being appraised as an EX-FAT GIRL" featuring exercising poodles, and music videos: her stunning and much-loved promo for Yuki entitled "Sentimental Journey" exemplifies her work's inventive left-field visual sensibility and poignant emotional colorings.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Res Sapiens' interactivity
The Res Sapiens project merges the digital world with the physical. It connects them seamlessly, treating both entities equally. It asks questions not only to us, but also to itself.
Res Sapiens refers to thinking physical objects, from products to architecture, that surpass their visual representation and display their meaning, role and status in society. The continuous stream of (public) digital data and information form the energy on which the Res Sapiens can live. It builds the oil fields of the future, where an ever growing digital heritage increases our understanding and knowledge and, most importantly, creates a stronger collective consciousness.
Res Sapiens refers to thinking physical objects, from products to architecture, that surpass their visual representation and display their meaning, role and status in society. The continuous stream of (public) digital data and information form the energy on which the Res Sapiens can live. It builds the oil fields of the future, where an ever growing digital heritage increases our understanding and knowledge and, most importantly, creates a stronger collective consciousness.