Wednesday, September 7, 2005
"The Vanity of Allegory," is a show organized by conceptual artist Douglas Gordon at the Deutsche Guggenheim, located in the Deutsche Bank building on Unter der Linden. Billed as "a self-portrait in the guise of a group exhibition," the event brings together more than 30 works by artists who have previously shown at the museum, including Matthew Barney, Cerith Wyn Evans, Damien Hirst, Roni Horn, Jeff Koons, Robert Mapplethorpe and Lawrence Weiner. But if this is an exploration of the self-portrait, vanity and the search for immortality, Gordon becomes sort of a "man with a thousand faces" by highlighting relationships between apparent opposites. Here is Gordon’s own photographic portrait in masquerade as Kurt Cobain. He also mocked Andy Warhol, Myra Hindley and Marilyn Monroe (not shown).
On a different note, I'll post some interesting links this weekend. Also updated the syllabus with confirmed visitors. Over...